Our History

St. Andrew's United Church
While not always called St. Andrew’s, a church has been here on this land since 1859. For many of those years, the church was known as Zion: first Zion Presbyterian, then Zion United. In 1995, Zion United amalgamated with Brant Avenue United Church forming St. Andrew’s. In 2011, Wesley United Church amalgamated with us to become the second version of St. Andrew’s. Our church has a rich history in the city of Brantford.
A fundamental characteristic of this church is a dedication to serving members of the community, especially those in need. Our visioning statement asserts that “As an inclusive, welcoming, involved, and caring community of faith, we invite the Spirit of God to move among us, freeing us to trust each other; to develop worship and education that will enable us to be visible witnesses for Christ and caretakers of God’s creation.”